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0004022AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-03-09 20:352018-03-09 20:35
noneminorhave not tried
0004022: Idea how to implement semi-realistic unguided bombing on the Mi-24
I have stumbled upon this manual.

http://www.avia-it.com/act/profili_daerei/libretti_velivolo/PA_libretti_PDF/Pamyatka_letchiku_Mi-24.pdf [^]

Chapter 3.6.5 contains information on unguded bombing (Without VSB-24).
(From what I can tell, VSB-24 is a CCRP calculator so probably outside the scope of Arma ?).

Basicaly if I understand correctly, the gunner just points his sight (the cannon sight, not the ATGM one) at a certain angle. That angle is indicated in the table and is dependent on speed. The gunner then locks the sight so it does not rotate horizontally and looks straight, and locks the vertical angle.

When bombing, gunner tells pilot to correct left/right so the reticle is on target, then releases the bombs.

How I think this can be implemented in Arma:

Add action (or key combination) into the menu that can be called e.g. "Bomb mode".
Once bomb mode is entered targeting station locked in place horizontally and is pointed at the place where the current CCIP crosshair is located, but it stays static. If helicopter changes speed, new point has to be calculated, the gunner will press "T" and the targeting station will adjust verticaly to the new speed (This is as if gunner looked at the table and adjusted or something).
"F" key would exit bomb mode and "zoom in" key would also exit.
Maybe additionally you can hide bombs from the weapon selection roster, unless gunner is in bomb mode.

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2018-03-09 20:357ftnickNew Issue

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