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0004007AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-03-01 16:132018-03-26 22:10
0004007: Russian AI helicopters not willing to use their ATGMs against AI opponents
AI vs AI
Russian helicopters(Ka-52, Mi-28N) seem to spare their Anti-tank missiles(i.e. Vikhr, Ataka) against enemy armors.

1. At a relatively close distance(e.g. less than 500m)
They won't launch the missiles at all, just pour out the rockets and the guns

2. Over 1 km
They do use the missiles but only a couple of times (3~4 times) whether the target is destroyed or not.

<Note 1> Using time acceleration(especially "x 4") magically solve all these problems. With time accelerated, they engage AI opponents with all their armaments correctly including ATGMs regardless of the distance until the target is neutralized.

<Note 2> "Blufor AI helicopter(i.e. AH-64D) vs Opfor AI tanks" don't have this problem. Apache does not spare the Hellfire missiles against Russian tanks.
<With only RHSAFRF and RHSUSAF loaded>
1. Open the editor
2. Load a map(e.g. Stratis)
3. Put a Ka-52(flying) and a M1A2(ground) on the map face to face at a good distance(e.g. 500m & 1,500m)
4. Watch the behavior as a civilian.
No tags attached.
zip Arma 3_RPTs.zip (88,665) 2018-03-03 13:34
Issue History
2018-03-01 16:13scottleeNew Issue
2018-03-01 16:14scottleeSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5108#r5108
2018-03-01 16:15scottleeDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5110#r5110
2018-03-01 16:37reyhardNote Added: 0007485
2018-03-01 16:37reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2018-03-01 16:37reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-03-02 12:11scottleeNote Added: 0007491
2018-03-02 12:11scottleeStatusfeedback => new
2018-03-03 10:26reyhardNote Added: 0007496
2018-03-03 10:26reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-03-03 13:34scottleeFile Added: Arma 3_RPTs.zip
2018-03-03 13:34scottleeNote Added: 0007497
2018-03-03 13:34scottleeStatusfeedback => new
2018-03-03 14:29reyhardNote Added: 0007498
2018-03-03 14:29reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-03-03 22:32scottleeNote Added: 0007499
2018-03-03 22:32scottleeStatusfeedback => new
2018-03-04 13:18reyhardNote Added: 0007503
2018-03-26 22:10reyhardStatusnew => resolved
2018-03-26 22:10reyhardFixed in Version => 0.4.6
2018-03-26 22:10reyhardResolutionopen => fixed

2018-03-01 16:37   
can you provide .rpt file?
2018-03-02 12:11   
Here are RPT files.
http://gofile.me/3bep6/ii5FCEAx4 [^]
2018-03-03 10:26   
could you send it to pastebin? your link doesn't work for me
2018-03-03 13:34   
New link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q3x5m8kc2s28edt/Arma%203_RPTs.zip?dl=0 [^]
2018-03-03 14:29   
could you try reproducing it with only RHS loaded?
2018-03-03 22:32   
As I mentioned at the top of "Steps to Reproduce" section, I can reproduce it with only RHSAFRF and RHSUSAF loaded.
I found the symptom first with lots of mods as usual. Most of them are just add-on, not modification that possibly change the AI behavior though.
Then, I unloaded every mod except RHSAFRF and RHSUSAF, tested and got the same result.
If it cannot be reproduced anyhow even when my steps are followed, please let me know. There maybe some other factors in my system that affects the behavior.
2018-03-04 13:18   
that should be enough, I will check it once again on stable version because maybe it's something with devbranch version of arma, which I'm currently using