RHS Feedback - Server
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0003888Server[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-12-30 22:152017-12-31 15:02
0003888: vehicles sink underground whenever a player enters it.
i'm using ARAF,GREF and USMC on a dedicated server running antistasi mod.

all cars and trucks that belong to these mods work fine for the npc's that spawn with them but when a player enters a car (GAZ) it sinks into the ground with only the roof showing, when we try to drive the trucks the front of the vehicle lifts up until the truck is standing on its ass with the noose in the air.

all of the tanks/apc's and helicopters mostly works apart from some issues with the guns on the smallest apc and ukt attack helicopter but its not gamebreaking.

we have the latest versions of rhs mods from armaholic.

there is also an issue with airplanes, whenever a jet roars the skies the server crashes, bad module.
google tells me this is windows's fault but i'd thought i mention it:)

other than than i'd have to say i love your mods! :D
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Issue History
2017-12-30 22:15KapaniaNew Issue
2017-12-31 09:04reyhardNote Added: 0007279
2017-12-31 09:04reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2017-12-31 09:04reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2017-12-31 13:03KapaniaNote Added: 0007280
2017-12-31 13:03KapaniaStatusfeedback => new
2017-12-31 15:02reyhardNote Added: 0007281
2017-12-31 15:02reyhardStatusnew => feedback

2017-12-31 09:04   
which exactly GAZ?
2017-12-31 13:03   
its two of the versions thats unarmed and green, not able to check it out before tomorrow.
2017-12-31 15:02   
truck or car? I can wait for more info but I'm guessing it might be mission related issue in the end