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0003827AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-11-29 08:362017-11-29 09:12
closedno change required 
0003827: Request for Pufu on releasing AKM p3d files with uniform steel magazines
This post is just a request for Pufu to additionally release p3d files for all AKM's variants with uniform steel magazines and pistol grips.

I understand that the variations in magazine and grip types for akm is in conscience design to stay with the mod, but I am asking for the p3d files so I can modify the rhs_weapons.pbo by inputting the steel magazine akm p3d files and creating my own patch for the akm rifles with all steel magazines and uniform grips.

I feel although the akm with bakelite magazine and assorted grips is realistic, I would very much prefer the weapon variants to have the same magazine and grips types, as the uniformity just seems amazing to me, especially with non-insurgent army factions that have standardized akm's with standardized magazines and grips.

Thank you very much Pufu and the team, I love this mod to death and have tried to replace the p3d files with legacy p3d files and although the magazine texture was fine, the texture of the weapon bugs out. This is my most essential mod for this game and no other mod can replace rhs for me. Please help me enjoy arma again.
AFRF, gun, weapons
Issue History
2017-11-29 08:36wholebitNew Issue
2017-11-29 08:37wholebitTag Attached: AFRF
2017-11-29 08:37wholebitTag Attached: weapons
2017-11-29 08:37wholebitTag Attached: gun
2017-11-29 08:48reyhardNote Added: 0007150
2017-11-29 08:48reyhardStatusnew => closed
2017-11-29 08:48reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2017-11-29 08:48reyhardResolutionopen => no change required
2017-11-29 09:01wholebitNote Added: 0007151
2017-11-29 09:08wholebitDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=4852#r4852
2017-11-29 09:12wholebitDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=4853#r4853

2017-11-29 08:48   
We have something other planned
2017-11-29 09:01   
Sorry I realize I should clarify in title, I only wanted the p3d files released as an external download, not change the mod against team's direction.

I am guess from the hint, there might be more changes to the magazine down in the future, I also look forward to it.