RHS Feedback - AFRF
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0003228AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-04-18 23:182017-06-15 21:20
nonemajorhave not tried
0003228: AI piloted Mi-24 never stops going up
In some situations, AI piloted Mi-24 never stops going up in a circular movement.
See this video :
https://youtu.be/6-28GzkEGRI [^]

I didn't fully try the reproducibility of the issue but it seems to occurs very often.
Place an Mi-24 with a few MOVE WPs and a CYCLE WP and watch.
No tags attached.
? arma3_x64_2017-04-18_21-59-20.rpt (98,829) 2017-04-18 23:18
Issue History
2017-04-18 23:18Sparfell_19New Issue
2017-04-18 23:18Sparfell_19File Added: arma3_x64_2017-04-18_21-59-20.rpt
2017-04-19 07:52reyhardNote Added: 0006126
2017-04-19 07:52reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2017-04-19 07:52reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2017-04-20 01:57Sparfell_19Note Added: 0006132
2017-04-20 01:57Sparfell_19Statusfeedback => new
2017-04-20 20:14reyhardNote Added: 0006135
2017-04-21 11:33Sparfell_19Note Added: 0006136
2017-04-28 09:137ftnickNote Added: 0006152
2017-04-28 14:50reyhardNote Added: 0006153
2017-04-29 00:237ftnickNote Added: 0006155
2017-06-09 14:15reyhardNote Added: 0006286
2017-06-09 14:15reyhardStatusnew => closed
2017-06-09 14:15reyhardResolutionopen => no change required
2017-06-15 15:08reyhardNote Added: 0006310
2017-06-15 15:08reyhardStatusclosed => resolved
2017-06-15 15:08reyhardResolutionno change required => fixed
2017-06-15 15:08reyhardFixed in Version => 0.4.3
2017-06-15 21:20Sparfell_19Note Added: 0006311

2017-04-19 07:52   
Attach some repro. Mission please
2017-04-20 01:57   
Repro mission (this is basically what is shown in the video)
https://mega.nz/#!25gAAYja!Oh5Vnz6xmaD1X7TxyRJoNPpoGvq_U83_n19s20-VQiQ [^]
2017-04-20 20:14   
same thing is happening with Mi-28 &... BIS Kajman. Since most of AFRF helicopters are inheriting from Kajman (including Mi-24 & 28) it might be something with Mi-48 itself.
2017-04-21 11:33   
Ok, thanks for the information.
2017-04-28 09:13   
@reyhard , about that, the MI-24P with a static cannon controlled by the pilot is more similar (AI wise) to hellcat and littlebird, maybe it can inherit from them ? BIS now fixed them and they engage infantry and vehicles with the canon and FFAR rockets (accuracy is pretty bad though).
2017-04-28 14:50   
@7ftnick - well, I participated in making changes to littlebird/hellcat and there wasn't any special magic involved - same parameters are also on Kajman (and they were copy pasted from Kajman in fact). ;) I will probably look into it after Jets DLC release but no promises since I guess it will involve many hours of comparing configs & testing it in game (especially rulling out placebo effect is very time consuming)
2017-04-29 00:23   
@reyhard cool, will be nice to see some normal ffar/static cannon usage by ai pilots
2017-06-09 14:15   
there is ticket for that on arma feedback tracker so maybe in next week I will be able take a look at it
2017-06-15 15:08   
should be fixed both in Arma & RHS soon
2017-06-15 21:20   
Good to hear. Thanks