RHS Feedback - AFRF
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0002956AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-01-23 10:202017-01-29 13:33
0002956: BMD-2M and BMP-2 1980/1986/D/K AI gunner in squad with human shoots missile in the ground.
As soon as you have AI in your own squad, the AI gunner always shoots missile in the ground.

AI will turn the turret to the given target, but there seem to be no lock on, the missile will hit the ground ca 40 meters infront of your own tank.

Enter editor, place some vehicles, place some men as in one squad, play as the squad leader, enter tank, you as driver or commander, an AI as gunner. Give AI target.

It happens to me in any campaign as well.
No clue how this relates to 042, but it didnt happen in 041.

I don't know if another issue is related, but when you are a gunner yourself, sometimes (not everytime) the auto-cannon elevates to ca 30 degrees when you chose missile and an error message (attachment to this post) comes up. This was experienced in the BMD-2M.

I haven't seen the auto-cannon elevate when AI is gunner.

I have clean installed Arma 3 and I have re-downloaded RHS Escalation from Steam at least twice, in case there were corrupted downloads. I have also verified game files in Steam. None helps.

I have tried the issue, with just AFRF installed, made no difference.
When using all four parts of RHS, I follow the load order, AFRF USAF GREF SAF.
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jpg error.jpg (550,846) 2017-01-23 10:20
Issue History
2017-01-23 10:20iTaeYangNew Issue
2017-01-23 10:20iTaeYangFile Added: error.jpg
2017-01-25 17:00iTaeYangSummaryBMD-2M and BMP-2 1980/1986 AI gunner in squad with human shoots missile in the ground. => BMD-2M and BMP-2 1980/1986/D/K AI gunner in squad with human shoots missile in the ground.
2017-01-25 17:00iTaeYangDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=3895#r3895
2017-01-25 17:00iTaeYangAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=3897#r3897
2017-01-25 18:24iTaeYangDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=3898#r3898
2017-01-25 18:29iTaeYangAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=3899#r3899
2017-01-27 15:10iTaeYangArma 3 version1.64 => 1.66
2017-01-29 01:05reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2017-01-29 01:05reyhardStatusnew => assigned
2017-01-29 08:02iTaeYangDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=3906#r3906
2017-01-29 08:02iTaeYangAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=3907#r3907
2017-01-29 13:33reyhardStatusassigned => resolved
2017-01-29 13:33reyhardFixed in Version =>
2017-01-29 13:33reyhardResolutionopen => fixed

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