RHS Feedback - GREF
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0002948GREF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-01-21 08:422017-01-23 17:22
closedno change required 
0002948: UBC spam in RPT (rhsgref)
 9:39:15 Updating base class Single->Mode_SemiAuto, by rhsgref\addons\rhsgref_sounds\config.bin/CfgWeapons/rhs_weap_m76/Single/
 9:39:15 Updating base class ->textureSources, by rhsgref\addons\rhsgref_c_vehicles_ret\config.bin/CfgVehicles/rhs_btr60_base/textureSources/
 9:39:15 Updating base class ->textureSources, by rhsgref\addons\rhsgref_c_vehicles_ret\config.bin/CfgVehicles/rhs_bmp1tank_base/textureSources/
 9:39:15 Updating base class ->textureSources, by rhsgref\addons\rhsgref_c_vehicles_ret\config.bin/CfgVehicles/rhs_zsutank_base/textureSources/
 9:39:15 Updating base class ->textureSources, by rhsgref\addons\rhsgref_c_vehicles_ret\config.bin/CfgVehicles/rhs_a3t72tank_base/textureSources/
No tags attached.
? arma3_2017-01-21_09-39-07.rpt (82,652) 2017-01-21 08:42
Issue History
2017-01-21 08:42robaloNew Issue
2017-01-21 08:42robaloFile Added: arma3_2017-01-21_09-39-07.rpt
2017-01-21 09:01reyhardNote Added: 0005760
2017-01-21 09:01reyhardStatusnew => closed
2017-01-21 09:01reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2017-01-21 09:01reyhardResolutionopen => no change required
2017-01-21 09:16robaloNote Added: 0005761
2017-01-22 11:15reyhardNote Added: 0005786
2017-01-23 17:22robaloNote Added: 0005790

2017-01-21 09:01   
there is nothing to worry here.
2017-01-21 09:16   
I'd be really worried if every mod author would treat these kind of issues the same way :(
Every few lines like this from each mod that ignore them add up to the RPT spam and can hide real issues caused by class inheritance overrides.
2017-01-22 11:15   
well, there is no other way to update texture sources between mod without making dependencies so those are definitely false alarm. if you don't trust me I can explain you what it does later ;)
2017-01-23 17:22   
I believe they can be fixed in config, not only the weapon modes but the texture sources as well. It's mismatched class inheritance from what I can see. Is there a place where one could submit patches ?