Notes |
Please provide a test mission or a video of the actual issue. |
2016-02-11 17:32
(edited on: 2016-02-11 17:35) |
take any t-series tank and shoot some heat shell at the another tank
explosion effect (visual) from heat shell too weak and loock like hit effect from apfsds or 30 mm he shell
explosion effect from heat shell must be such as explosion effect from atgm
i try to wright in rhs_ammo_shells.hpp in rhs_ammo_bk_base class
CraterEffects = "ATRocketCrater";
explosionEffects = "ATRocketExplosion";
class HitEffects {
Hit_Foliage_green = "ImpactLeavesGreen";
Hit_Foliage_Dead = "ImpactLeavesDead";
Hit_Foliage_Green_big = "ImpactLeavesGreenBig";
Hit_Foliage_Palm = "ImpactLeavesPalm";
Hit_Foliage_Pine = "ImpactLeavesPine";
hitFoliage = "ImpactLeaves";
hitGlass = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitGlassArmored = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitWood = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitMetal = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitMetalPlate = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitBuilding = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitPlastic = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitRubber = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitConcrete = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitMan = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitGroundSoft = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitGroundHard = "ATRocketExplosion";
hitWater = "ImpactEffectsWater";
hitVirtual = "ATRocketExplosion";
but it is dont work
explosion effect after hit by heat shell whatever loock like hiteffect from apfsds or 30 mm he shell
0.4.1 - no changes, still ugly small hit effect from 30 ap/he round
can you fix it? |