RHS Feedback - USAF
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0000129USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-01-08 18:222015-01-21 12:36
normalminorunable to reproduce
0000129: UH-60M & UH-60M MEV tail rotor damage when sling loading
Tail rotor on UH-60M & UH-60M MEV goes RED (takes heavy damage) just after 10-30 seconds of flying with a sling loaded object.
1. Place UH-60M or UH-60M MEV in the editor.
2. Place sling loadable object.
3. Preview.
4. Hook the object.
5. Fly.
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Issue History
2015-01-08 18:22MatoshNew Issue
2015-01-08 18:47MistyRoninNote Added: 0000346
2015-01-08 18:47MistyRoninAssigned To => MistyRonin
2015-01-08 18:47MistyRoninStatusnew => feedback
2015-01-08 18:47MistyRoninReproducibilityalways => unable to reproduce
2015-01-08 19:09MistyRoninNote Added: 0000347
2015-01-08 19:09MistyRoninStatusfeedback => resolved
2015-01-08 19:09MistyRoninResolutionopen => fixed
2015-01-12 08:32Soul_AssassinProduct Version => 0.4
2015-01-12 08:32Soul_AssassinTarget Version => 0.3.5
2015-01-21 12:36MistyRoninProduct Version0.4 => 0.3.5
2015-01-21 12:36MistyRoninFixed in Version =>
2015-01-21 12:36MistyRoninTarget Version0.3.5 => 0.4

2015-01-08 18:47   
Unable to reproduce, what do you load?

I have been flying a HUMMWV around Stratis for 10 min and working perfectly.

Do you use any mods?

What flying mode are you using?
2015-01-08 19:09   
It seems this bug was already solved when we corrected this other issue:

http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=104 [^]

So on the next update :)