RHS Feedback - AFRF
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0001251AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-10-07 10:532015-10-07 11:06
Bad Tankman 
0001251: Units inside tanks (i believe other vehicles too) are dying beacuse close explosion of nearby vehicles.
Yesterday i was playing with friends and meet something strange. There was very close contact with 2 tanks - i was in T-72B3 and other guy wan in abrams tusk I, he had damaged barrel, so he moves directly at my tank (i was shooting in frontal armor, thinest part with no luck - "abrams armour too strong" ticket) and finally he shooted at me, hull was one status RED, but vehicle was still working so i sended him a round in the side and it worked but when his vehicle was exploding (3-5 meters from me) i died inside my tank. I get angry and checked it in single player - same issue.
In editor put OPFOR and BLUFOR tank next to each other, side by side, be in one of vehicles and set health status to zero on the second tank (so he will explode). watch what will happen.
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Issue History
2015-10-07 10:53Bad TankmanNew Issue
2015-10-07 11:03Bad TankmanNote Added: 0002525
2015-10-07 11:06Soul_AssassinStatusnew => closed
2015-10-07 11:06Soul_AssassinAssigned To => Soul_Assassin
2015-10-07 11:06Soul_AssassinResolutionopen => duplicate
2015-10-07 11:06Soul_AssassinNote Added: 0002527

Bad Tankman   
2015-10-07 11:03   
Sorry i was meaning this ticket about abrams :
http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=1077 [^]
2015-10-07 11:06   
Funky Arma 3 damage system interfering.