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0004963AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-04-17 17:462019-05-08 10:38
0004963: BRDM-2 turning radius on water too large
BRDM-2 has too long radius of turning on the water. https://youtu.be/7dSkZVRaDCE [^]

On these videos you can see that he does it much faster:

https://youtu.be/rVRIujY1Iw4?t=58 [^]

https://youtu.be/wPfdKdWh7p4?t=48 [^]

https://youtu.be/K59_jn7-ijo [^]

A vanila vehicle for example: https://youtu.be/y6Rkce1pGIY [^]
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Issue History
2019-04-17 17:46reduxNew Issue
2019-04-17 18:09reduxDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=6155#r6155
2019-04-17 18:24reduxDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=6156#r6156
2019-04-17 19:07reduxDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=6157#r6157
2019-04-17 22:49reyhardNote Added: 0009302
2019-04-17 22:49reyhardStatusnew => resolved
2019-04-17 22:49reyhardFixed in Version => 0.4.9
2019-04-17 22:49reyhardResolutionopen => fixed
2019-04-17 22:49reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2019-04-18 19:24reduxNote Added: 0009308
2019-04-18 19:25reduxNote Added: 0009309
2019-04-18 19:27reduxNote Edited: 0009309bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=9309#r6161
2019-04-18 19:36reyhardNote Added: 0009310
2019-04-18 20:02reduxNote Added: 0009311
2019-04-18 20:04reduxNote Edited: 0009311bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=9311#r6163
2019-04-18 20:05reduxNote Edited: 0009311bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=9311#r6164
2019-04-18 20:14reyhardNote Added: 0009312
2019-04-19 04:36reduxNote Added: 0009314
2019-04-19 04:41reduxNote Added: 0009315
2019-04-19 04:45reduxNote Edited: 0009314bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=9314#r6166
2019-04-19 08:34reduxNote Edited: 0009315bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=9315#r6168
2019-04-19 09:13reyhardNote Added: 0009316
2019-05-08 09:59reduxNote Added: 0009384
2019-05-08 10:38reduxNote Edited: 0009384bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=9384#r6212

2019-04-17 22:49   
tweaked in rev 984
2019-04-18 19:24   
The point is not that this radius is large, but that the BRDM-2 must has a propeller. Now its behavior in the water like a BMP-2, that is, it rowing through the water by the wheels, because of this the turn is too long.
2019-04-18 19:25   
(edited on: 2019-04-18 19:27)
At the same time, with 2S1 everything is the opposite. 2S1 floats as if it has a propeller, but it must turning in the water like BMP-2

2019-04-18 19:36   
there is no parameter for propeler so I'm not sure what you are talking about - you can either increase or decrees dampening during the turn which increase or decrease turn speed.
2019-04-18 20:02   
(edited on: 2019-04-18 20:05)
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829135118398870482/92D7C7929E6B9E06B5D638BC30F6B09F93AAB796/ [^]

What should be. Now in the mod the BRDM behave like the BMP, what is wrong.

2019-04-18 20:14   
aren't all vehicles behaving like that?
2019-04-19 04:36   
(edited on: 2019-04-19 04:45)
BRDM must turning on water like vanilla amphibious vehicles, in the current version of the mod he doing it same way as BMP-2
2S1 must turning on whater like BMP-2.

2019-04-19 04:41   
(edited on: 2019-04-19 08:34)
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829135118398870482/92D7C7929E6B9E06B5D638BC30F6B09F93AAB796/ [^]
At left half of the picture is depicted behaving of turning on water all vanila amphibious vehicles.

2019-04-19 09:13   
it's quite tricky since same parameter controls turning speed. tweaked it a little bit and we will see how well it goes
2019-05-08 09:59   
(edited on: 2019-05-08 10:38)
Now it looks as it should be.

https://youtu.be/UVgYJwM07u8 [^]