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0004932USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-03-27 07:422019-04-04 20:19
Dropbear Commando 
0004932: M1126 Stryker Smoke Screen Collision
*Update: I have now been able to reproduce reliably, one of the grenades gets caught on either the smoke launcher or M2 ammo box, then just floats in the air.

When I deployed the smoke screen, one of the grenades collided with the top right smoke launcher on the RWS and detonated on the vehicle. I have only seen this happen twice.
Place M1126(rhsusf_stryker_m1126_m2_d) in editor,
Change to Sand color,
Play mission,
Change CM mode to M6(16),
Drive forward at about 22-32kmh,
Deploy smoke screen.

I have been unable to reproduce the event, however I am still trying and at the very least hope to get a video of it happening.
It doesn't happen every time, more like 1/3 tries, and somehow less often with the olive texture.

I have also captured a video: https://youtu.be/qi6gikwSkqI [^]
No tags attached.
? Arma3_x64_2019-04-03_01-35-59.rpt (125,725) 2019-04-03 10:37
? Stryker_Smoke_Test.Altis.pbo (10,902) 2019-04-04 20:16
Issue History
2019-03-27 07:42Dropbear CommandoNew Issue
2019-04-02 12:40reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2019-04-02 12:40reyhardStatusnew => assigned
2019-04-02 23:49Dropbear CommandoWhich mods? => RHSUSAFDEV, RHSAFRFDEV, RHSGREFDEV, RHSSAFDEV
2019-04-02 23:49Dropbear CommandoNote Added: 0009240
2019-04-02 23:49Dropbear CommandoReproducibilityrandom => sometimes
2019-04-02 23:49Dropbear CommandoDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=6083#r6083
2019-04-02 23:49Dropbear CommandoSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=6085#r6085
2019-04-02 23:49Dropbear CommandoAdditional Information Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=6087#r6087
2019-04-02 23:49Dropbear CommandoSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=6088#r6088
2019-04-03 09:22reyhardNote Added: 0009241
2019-04-03 09:22reyhardStatusassigned => new
2019-04-03 09:23reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2019-04-03 10:37Dropbear CommandoFile Added: Arma3_x64_2019-04-03_01-35-59.rpt
2019-04-03 10:39Dropbear CommandoNote Added: 0009242
2019-04-03 10:39Dropbear CommandoStatusfeedback => new
2019-04-03 10:39Dropbear CommandoStatusnew => feedback
2019-04-04 19:36reyhardNote Added: 0009249
2019-04-04 20:16Dropbear CommandoFile Added: Stryker_Smoke_Test.Altis.pbo
2019-04-04 20:19Dropbear CommandoNote Added: 0009250
2019-04-04 20:19Dropbear CommandoStatusfeedback => new

Dropbear Commando   
2019-04-02 23:49   
Updated to reflect reproducibility and associated steps
2019-04-03 09:22   
can you include .rpt? Is it still happening with latest dev build?
Dropbear Commando   
2019-04-03 10:39   
.rpt added, and yes it is the latest dev build
2019-04-04 19:36   
could you create some repro mission maybe?
Dropbear Commando   
2019-04-04 20:19   
I added a mission, radio alpha rearms the tan stryker, bravo the olive.

It happens most often while driving at speeds between 20-30 kmh and 70+ kmh