RHS Feedback - USAF
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0004254USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-07-26 06:072018-08-26 06:32
0004254: Interior lighting does not stay on.
When sitting in the cabin of the UH-60, CH-47, C-130, etc the interior light will flicker instead of stay on.

The light will work in the cockpit, but the cabin/fuselage will not stay on.
Sit in cabin in low light, select "interior light" prompt.
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Issue History
2018-07-26 06:07NAS_JunoNew Issue
2018-07-26 08:09reyhardNote Added: 0007890
2018-07-26 08:09reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2018-07-26 08:09reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-07-27 20:05da12thMonkeyNote Added: 0007898
2018-07-28 19:17NAS_JunoNote Added: 0007903
2018-07-28 19:17NAS_JunoStatusfeedback => new
2018-07-28 19:41fire-39_1Note Added: 0007904
2018-07-28 19:42fire-39_1Note Edited: 0007904bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=7904#r5294
2018-07-29 12:47reyhardNote Added: 0007905
2018-07-29 12:47reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-08-07 03:35NAS_JunoArma 3 versiondevbranch => 1.84
2018-08-26 06:32reyhardStatusfeedback => closed
2018-08-26 06:32reyhardResolutionopen => suspended

2018-07-26 08:09   
Can you record some video?
2018-07-27 20:05   
Does it stop/occur less frequently if you increase the "Dynamic Lights" setting in Arma 3's graphics options?

Arma 3 does cull light sources like the vehicle lights, if there are more light sources in the scene than the graphics limit. Dynamic light sources include street lamps, lighthouses, flashlights, headlights etc.
2018-07-28 19:17   
My apologies. I don't have recording software at atm. I'll try to post a screen here. The light doesn't flicker consistently, it just flicks on real quick then cuts out, while the cockpit lights stay on.

I have the highest settings at the highest, but I'll check Dynamic Lighting.

It doesn't seem to affect the lights inside the MRAPs. Just air vehicles, whether they are moving or not.
2018-07-28 19:41   
(edited on: 2018-07-28 19:42)
I noticed this as well during a MP environment (sorry no video either) i played around with it in SP and could only replicate it by turning down dynamic lights setting.

note: during the MP session dynamic lights setting was at ultra, may also have to do with sever/client performance. there were about 30-35 people on the server and the majority of them were in the c-130.

2018-07-29 12:47   
Hm, video will be definitely useful although I guess it might be indeed Arma issue related to performance (35 characters in one space is a lot of stuff to render)