RHS Feedback - USAF
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0003978USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-02-11 16:282018-07-01 10:20
0003978: All RHS Helicopters Detonate While Performing Roll on Landings
When attempting a roll-on landing in any RHS helicopter, not just USAF, you will explode spontaneously, unless you land absolutely perfectly straight and in trim below 80 KPH. The real-life Blackhawk can land at 60 Knots ground speed (~ 111 KPH) without breaking a sweat, and is a standard practice. This makes landing without a working tailrotor, and keeping your lunch in the process, impossible.

Below is a video demonstrating what I mean.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QL_cWLt9KY [^]

As shown in the video, the UH-80 GhostHawk performs more in-line with reality; with the exception of the tires not catching and flipping the helicopter when landing sideways, of course. I'm not sure what BIS did to achieve this, but its definitely a step in the right direction.
Fly any helicopter ~ 80 KPH (~ 43 Knots)
attempt roll on landing with perfect form

Fly any helicopter above ~ 30 KPH (~ 16 Knots)
attempt roll on landing slightly out of trim
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? Arma3_x64_2018-02-11_12-52-22.rpt (97,798) 2018-02-11 18:55
Issue History
2018-02-11 16:28b00ceNew Issue
2018-02-11 16:29b00ceDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5073#r5073
2018-02-11 16:29b00ceSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5075#r5075
2018-02-11 17:13reyhardNote Added: 0007443
2018-02-11 17:13reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2018-02-11 17:13reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-02-11 17:16reyhardNote Edited: 0007443bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=7443#r5077
2018-02-11 17:26reyhardNote Added: 0007444
2018-02-11 18:41b00ceNote Added: 0007445
2018-02-11 18:41b00ceStatusfeedback => new
2018-02-11 18:54b00ceNote Edited: 0007445bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=7445#r5079
2018-02-11 18:55b00ceFile Added: Arma3_x64_2018-02-11_12-52-22.rpt
2018-02-11 18:55b00ceNote Edited: 0007445bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=7445#r5080
2018-02-11 20:22reyhardSeveritymajor => minor
2018-02-11 20:23reyhardNote Added: 0007446
2018-02-11 20:23reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-03-03 00:48Jester2138Note Added: 0007492
2018-03-03 00:49Jester2138Note Edited: 0007492bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=7492#r5114
2018-03-03 10:25reyhardNote Added: 0007495
2018-07-01 10:20reyhardNote Added: 0007858
2018-07-01 10:20reyhardStatusfeedback => resolved
2018-07-01 10:20reyhardFixed in Version => 0.4.6
2018-07-01 10:20reyhardResolutionopen => fixed

2018-02-11 17:13   
(edited on: 2018-02-11 17:16)
could you provide .rpt? afm or standard flight model?

2018-02-11 17:26   
for comparison - this is how my noobish attempts looks like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l73teIWIpXA [^]
2018-02-11 18:41   
(edited on: 2018-02-11 18:55)
Its the standard FM, I can't stand the AFM.

RPT uploaded

2018-02-11 20:23   
ah, now i see - AFM right now has higher priority but I will see it's possible somehow to have it working in both states
2018-03-03 00:48   
(edited on: 2018-03-03 00:49)
I have this problem in AFM, too.

The engine can also take full damage during a 0 ground speed landing, if you don't land *very* gently.

2018-03-03 10:25   
Jester - is it happening without any 3rd party mods? Couldn't reproduce it so far in AFM at all. If you have time, please provide some video & rpt file so I could see what is going on - maybe it's some data mismatch or addon conflict since, as I presented on video, it's possible to do quite rough landings
2018-07-01 10:20   
tweaked a little bit but there is an engine limitation where helicopters without retractable gear are treated as helis with skids. Ghosthawk has retractable gear and that's why it performs better when doing roll-on landing.