RHS Feedback - USAF
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0003369USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-06-21 12:412017-09-25 21:13
nonemajorhave not tried
0003369: M113 huge RPT spam
when placing a rhsusf_m113d_usarmy in a mission on dedicated server it start to spam this message on RPT

NetServer: trying to send too large non-guaranteed message (1360 bytes long, max 1348 allowed)
Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 435978474 (triky)

repeated a lot of time per second and for every connected client, even the headless client
'cause of that log files grows very fast (>100 mb/hour, depending how many users are connected)

this behavior started after 1.70 and never seen before
put a rhsusf_m113d_usarmy on a mission, run on a dedi server amd check the RPT
put a rhsusf_m113d_usarmy on a mission, run on a dedi server amd check the RPT
No tags attached.
txt log.txt (73,539) 2017-06-21 16:14
? arma3server_x64_2017-09-25_20-09-50.rpt (94,585) 2017-09-25 20:40
? arma3_x64_2017-09-25_20-09-49.rpt (95,365) 2017-09-25 20:40
Issue History
2017-06-21 12:41trikyNew Issue
2017-06-21 15:15reyhardNote Added: 0006322
2017-06-21 15:15reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2017-06-21 15:15reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2017-06-21 15:15reyhardNote Edited: 0006322bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=6322#r4204
2017-06-21 16:14trikyFile Added: log.txt
2017-08-09 17:16Sparfell_19Note Added: 0006413
2017-08-24 20:48j0zh94Note Added: 0006446
2017-08-25 12:11BlackHawkNote Added: 0006449
2017-08-25 12:30BlackHawkNote Added: 0006450
2017-08-25 12:33BlackHawkNote Edited: 0006450bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=6450#r4266
2017-08-30 02:16bean7861Note Added: 0006461
2017-09-10 23:40DystopianStatusfeedback => new
2017-09-11 06:17reyhardNote Added: 0006493
2017-09-11 06:17reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2017-09-11 09:32BlackHawkNote Added: 0006495
2017-09-11 11:02DystopianStatusfeedback => new
2017-09-11 11:28reyhardNote Added: 0006496
2017-09-11 11:28reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2017-09-11 11:32DystopianNote Added: 0006497
2017-09-11 11:36DystopianStatusfeedback => new
2017-09-11 13:44reyhardNote Added: 0006498
2017-09-11 13:44reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2017-09-11 16:04BlackHawkNote Added: 0006499
2017-09-11 16:20DystopianStatusfeedback => new
2017-09-12 13:12reyhardNote Added: 0006502
2017-09-12 13:12reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2017-09-13 20:12BlackHawkNote Added: 0006504
2017-09-13 22:50reyhardNote Added: 0006505
2017-09-15 16:52BlackHawkNote Added: 0006509
2017-09-25 09:27DystopianStatusfeedback => new
2017-09-25 19:11reyhardNote Added: 0006521
2017-09-25 19:11reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2017-09-25 20:39BlackHawkNote Added: 0006523
2017-09-25 20:40BlackHawkFile Added: arma3server_x64_2017-09-25_20-09-50.rpt
2017-09-25 20:40BlackHawkFile Added: arma3_x64_2017-09-25_20-09-49.rpt
2017-09-25 21:13reyhardNote Added: 0006524
2017-09-25 21:13reyhardStatusfeedback => resolved
2017-09-25 21:13reyhardFixed in Version => 0.4.3
2017-09-25 21:13reyhardResolutionopen => fixed
2017-09-25 21:13reyhardNote Edited: 0006524bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=6524#r4422

2017-06-21 15:15   
could you upload that .rpt, please?

2017-08-09 17:16   
Same issue on my side. Removing the M113 RHS solved it. I can provide a rpt but I didn't try with rhs alone, I had a lot of other mods running. So a conflict with another mod is still possible.
https://pastebin.com/Ah4dUSYV [^] (I removed some identical lines in order to make it lighter)
2017-08-24 20:48   
Upon testing error appears when CBA+RHS is used but no error with RHS alone. This will have to be pushed to the CBA team to resolve.
2017-08-25 12:11   
I reproduced the error with vanilla+RHS. From my testing it turns out that CBA doesn't seem to affect anything. Source of confusion appears to be fact that errors start only after some delay (around 1 minute).

Error appears for whoever vehicle is local to.
Medical variant doesn't produce the error.
After deleting vehicle, error disappears.

Repro steps:
1. Use Eden to make a mission with vanilla NATO rifleman and rhsusf_m113d_usarmy.
2. Host a dedicated server with only RHS (GREF, ARF, USAF).
3. Join the server, start a mission and WAIT (1 minute or so).
4. Notice RPT growing in size.
5. Delete M113 - error gone.

Server RPT:
https://pastebin.com/fr06a0rE [^]

Client RPT:
https://pastebin.com/h17Mna9r [^]
2017-08-25 12:30   
(edited on: 2017-08-25 12:33)
Upon further testing it appears that only variants with M2 are affected ("rhsusf_m113d_usarmy", "rhsusf_m113d_usarmy_supply"). Medical, M240 and Mk19 variants are OK.

Error appears also for spawned-in vehicles after some DELAY (again, 1-2 minutes).
Turning simulation off for the vehicle stops errors from generating.

2017-08-30 02:16   
I believe the community im in has found the same issue, we have had to stop using the M113 in the mean time
2017-09-11 06:17   
Is it still happening with new arma patch?
2017-09-11 09:32   
2017-09-11 11:28   
is it same message as before? there were some changes in 1.76 to animation sources and I wonder if it had some impact on it
2017-09-11 11:32   
absolutely same
2017-09-11 13:44   
is it happening during certain condition? do you have get inside M113 or just empty ones are making that?
2017-09-11 16:04   
No special conditions. Both empty and crewed. Note that upon entering the vehicle errors will not be generated for around a minute, then resume again (due to vehicle's locality changing(?)).
2017-09-12 13:12   
is it happening if you remove all weapons & magazines? could you try https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeAllWeapons [^] & this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeMagazine [^]
2017-09-13 20:12   
'm113 removeWeapon "RHS_M2"' or 'm113 removeMagazines "rhs_mag_100rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red"' stop errors from generating.
2017-09-13 22:50   
that's very interesting! could you do tests with removal of just weapon & then just magazine separately?
2017-09-15 16:52   
It's definitely related to vehicle magazines. If I run ' m113 setVehicleAmmoDef 0.9 ' errors stop, but if I run that command with value of 1 they resume immediately. Removing one magazine somehow fixes it... Note that "removing" a magazine by shooting it doesn't do anything.
2017-09-25 19:11   
http://reyhard.armacenter.pl/arma3/rhsusf_c_m113.rar [^] could you test if it's still happening with this pbo? If yes, I will remove another magazine
2017-09-25 20:39   
Thank you reyhard, this pbo fixes the problem.
However, there's many new errors in rpt, especially `No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.rhsusf_weap_DummyLauncher'.` which prevents mission from loading on first try. I was using clean mission with vanilla NATO soldier and a M113 and nothing else. I'm attaching client and server RPTs.
2017-09-25 21:13   
yeah, it's fine. I didn't send you whole update after all - that's why you get some errors about missing things ;)